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How to Activate Your Tunnl Audiences

Step 1: Are Tunnl Audiences The Right Fit?

Did you find our audiences via a Data Marketplace we are partnered with, like LiveRamp or Cadent, or maybe a DSP or digital buying platform? Maybe you found us through an organic search on the web or word of mouth by some colleagues or peers. Regardless of how you heard about us, you have a story to tell and Tunnl can create and connect you with the audiences that matter most to drive your desired outcome.

Tunnl’s audiences are built for organizations focused on advocacy and reputation, and used by advertisers focused on:

  • Purpose-driven marketing
  • Nonprofit work
  • Public affairs
  • Issue advocacy
  • Corporate reputation

How Does Tunnl Make Audiences?

Tunnl creates audiences from four different groups of data:

  1. In-house data library
  2. Consumer and voter information
  3. Proprietary data collection
  4. Observed media consumption data

Tunnl audiences are built on our data library, which has over two decades worth of information on where Americans land on key cultural and political issues.

We marry that data with commercially available consumer and voter information to create one of the largest databases for purpose-driven marketing in the United States.

The data is then enhanced with our proprietary data collected by completing hundreds of thousands of surveys per year.

Tunnl also sits on top of several billion rows of observed media consumption behavior, which gives us a deep understanding of how Americans are consuming content across a variety of platforms and screens.

How Does All of That Data Create Targeted Audiences?

We use all of this data to build probabilities on where every American adult lands on an array of issues like:

  • climate change
  • diversity and inclusion
  • cryptocurrency regulation
  • outsourcing of jobs

The combination of this data allows us to build audiences of individuals who are going to be most receptive to your message, and segment them to be targeted on the screens where they are most likely to be reachable, on highly responsive and recent data that is constantly refreshed and up-to-date.

Most importantly, Tunnl offers a seamless process to deploy our audiences across platforms where audience addressability is possible, all in a security-first, privacy-compliant way.

Step 2: What Audience Options Do I Have?

Tunnl has hundreds of prebuilt audiences that our clients can activate against at any time, but some brands and organizations have very specific needs. To meet that need, we also create custom audiences that are highly tailored to each client’s objectives.

Prebuilt Audiences

Prebuilt audiences are pre-made groups of individuals who share a similar sentiment about a certain topic. Our prebuilt audiences cover tough issues pertinent to:

  • Purpose-driven marketing
  • Issue advocacy
  • Public affairs
  • Politics
  • Nonprofits
Benefits of prebuilt audiences:
  • Available immediately 
  • All cost tied to activation
Drawback of prebuilt audiences:
  • No customization

Custom Audiences

Custom audiences are the perfect audience solution for those with niche issues and messaging needs or a larger budget that warrants control of methodology and strategy. We create our custom audiences after conducting custom data collection via a large sample survey project based on the client’s message. Typically, each issue generates three custom audiences:

  1. Individuals who are in favor of the issue
  2. Individuals with a persuadable opinion on the issue
  3. Individuals who are in opposition to the issue

We also build audiences based on the propensity to be mobilized on a certain issue, from signing up as an advocate to voting for a ballot initiative to donating to a specific cause.

Benefits of custom audiences:
  • Complete customization to your needs
  • Audience exclusivity 
Drawbacks of custom audiences:
  • Higher price
  • Lengthier time commitment

Step 3: Select Your Audience

Now that you know which audience type is right for you, it's time to select or create your audiences.

Prebuilt Audiences

Tunnl has hundreds of prebuilt audiences that we refresh monthly to ensure that we are using the most up-to-date information possible and are responsive to the current issue climate.

Our prebuilt audiences cover numerous topics such as:

  • Education

Click the button below to view the full list of prebuilt audiences.

Custom Audiences

Custom audiences are created with custom data collection. Creating a custom audience with Tunnl follows three simple steps:

  1. Conduct a survey
  2. Match and score responses
  3. Deliver audiences and insights

We structure our custom audience solutions as a subscription to allow for regular refreshes and constant data arrangement and always-on, identity into online platforms.

Step 4: Choose Your Advertising Medium

If you are viewing this page because you saw our audiences in a digital data marketplace, like LiveRamp or Cadent, or a digital buying platform including DSPs, social platforms, and managed service providers, you likely already know where you want to activate your audiences.

If you came across our page another way, this part is for you - keep reading. Our audiences exist with many of our different partners across the digital ecosystem. These include:

  • Data marketplaces, like LiveRamp or Cadent
  • Social media
  • Over-the-top TV, Connected TV, and Addressable TV
  • DSPs

Step 5: Activate Your Audiences

Since we don’t buy or place media, we partner with marketplaces and platforms that allow you to seamlessly execute every phase of your media buy against Tunnl audiences. By partnering with both platforms directly and digital data marketplaces, we make our audiences widely available for addressable advertising on all inventory types—from Connected TV and pre-roll video to programmatic banners, and social media.

audience activation partners

Note: This graphic is for illustration purposes only and does not imply a contractual relationship with any named company. Tunnl Audiences can be utilized via multiple data marketplaces and then activated on the platforms shown above.

If you’ve stumbled upon our standard audiences in a digital data marketplace...

...and think they might be applicable to your campaigns, you can distribute audience segments from the marketplace to your preferred buying platforms. There’s usually a turnaround time of 24-48 hours before data populates within your buying platform.

If you found our standard audiences publicly available in your DSP...

...then they’re ready to be used immediately. We can also send custom and standard audiences directly to your seat at most digital buying platforms via our marketplace relationships if you’re not finding what you need publicly available in your DSP.

Since 2021, over 1.7 billion impressions have been delivered against activated Tunnl audiences.


Tunnl target audience report
Why this matters

Use Data Driven Audiences to Avoid Business Pitfalls

By identifying, creating, and connecting with the audiences that matter the most, you can avoid:

  • Making budget and targeting decisions based on assumptions
  • Not knowing what your competition is doing
  • Wasting money on the wrong audiences
  • Getting your story in front of the wrong people
  • Letting your competitors control your narrative

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